Meet the Central NUTty Buddies

During my first half of my adventures as a Peanutter, I have been paired with two fun loving individuals. I live and work with these fellas so I may know a little too much about them bur I will keep it simple for your reading's sake. Meet the Central Nutty Buddies Class Five, First Half!

Legume Liam (Liam Sullivan) is from southern New Hampshire, went to high school in Massachusetts and graduated from Syracuse University in New York (Go Orange!). He is 22 years old and his birthday is on March 11th. He loves museums, music and sports. So far, Liam has taught me to appreciate rap more and to love barbecue sauce. 

Follow his tour on Insta: @tour_de_liam

Ja-Cashew-Lyn (Jaclyn Nagel) is from Michigan, went to high school that is now closed down and graduated from University of Michigan (Go Blue!). She is also 22 and her birthday is on July 7th (7/7). Jac loves Chicago, boujee drinks, and brunch. She has taught me to drink wine and some Jewish traditions.

Follow her drink Instagram @manisandmojitos

By the way, you can meet all the Peanutters on
